Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / BY Students Participate In Soccer Magic

BY Students Participate In Soccer Magic

On the 8th and 9th of October, three teams of Bhavishya Yaan students from the G. K. Marg Municipal Schhol participated in a Football match at the Western Railways Sports Ground, Mahalaxmi.

Initiated by Milind Deora and organized by Saran Sports, the South Mumbai Junior Soccer Challenger was launched in 2009 with a view to tap the vast potential of football among South Mumbai school children, and to provide them with an opportunity to showcase their talent. The uniqueness of this match is that nearly 85% of the players belong to underprivileged backgrounds. And the latest edition, i.e., 8th QPR South Mumbai Junior Soccer Challenger 2016, saw a participation of over 6,000 children, compared to the 1632 children in it first edition.

A big thank you to Rtn Sanjiv Saran Mehra for providing such a wonderful opportunity to the Bhavishya Yaan students and for equipping them with the necessary gear, which they were so thrilled to receive.