Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / Boning up on calcium

Boning up on calcium

Nutritionist Priti Kale Higiste is not new to Ananda Yaan. She has held many discussions with its elderly members and they, in turn, are comfortable sharing their concerns with her. On June 30th, 2021, Priti delivered a talk on calcium, its role in the body, its functions, importance and how to maintain the one’s levels.

She told members how calcium made bones strong and healthy, facilitated nerve-to-nerve communication, stimulated muscle contraction, and activated blood-clotting factors. She also stressed upon its importancein the efficient functioning of the brain.

Priti used everyday language and examples to make her points while stressing upon the need for older people to maintain calcium. She explained the importance of a nutritional diet and suggested that pre-emptive care is as important as cure. The importance of exercise in locking the calcium in the body was also emphasised.

Priti advised all women to check their calcium levels once a year. She explained the amount of calcium contained in fruits and egg/ paneer. A 1000 mg calcium tablet is needed daily, she added. Members showed her their medicines and discussed Vitamins E, C, D3 and Uric Acid. Overall,it was an interactive and informative session.