Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / AY Vision Restored

AY Vision Restored

Some Ananda Yaan members were diagnosed with cataract during a free eye check-up camp by Aditya Jyot Foundation. Members shared that they had impeded vision but had left the condition untreated as their families were already going through financial turmoil due to COVID.

Aditya Jyot Foundation for Twinkling Eyes (AJFTLE) treated their cataract on August 12th, 2021. Mandatory pre- operative health tests were done at N M Medical. We thank Mr. Rahul Chavan from N M Medical for coordinating and Rtn. Rahil Shah for super subsidised rates. Our elders shared their gratitude towards Dr. Murali Kela for performing the operations, and Ms. Meenakshi from AJFTLE for their help with smooth and meaningful coordination.