Rotary Club of Bombay

In Camera

Rotary Club of Bombay / In Camera  / In-Camera Committee Report 2016

In-Camera Committee Report 2016

The In-Camera Fellowship Committee has successfully charmed Rotarians by organizing four very unique fellowships, including ‘Therapeutic Yoga’ by Bijal Doshi, ‘The Way to Art’ an interactive talk by Kalpana Shah of Tao Art Gallery, ‘My Love for Hair And How You Can Keep Yours’ by Rtn Dr. Akshay Batra and ‘Heartfulness Meditation’ by Mumbai Port Trust Chairman – Sanjay Bhatia.
Upcoming Fellowships:
17th Nov: ‘Swirl, Sniff, Sip’ wine talk and taste by Sonal Holland

14th Dec: ‘Safeguards Against Back and Joint Problems’ by Dr. Behramjee

19th Jan: ‘The World Before Her’ – Film screening by Nisha Pahuja at the Ocean House auditorium.