Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Cancer Aid  / On October 26th, 2021, The Cancer Aid Committee Had A Diwali Party

On October 26th, 2021, The Cancer Aid Committee Had A Diwali Party

On October 26th, 2021, the Cancer Aid Committee had a Diwali party for the children being treated at the Tata Memorial Hospital.

The musician Dwayne Gamree not only entertained the children with fun upbeat songs that they knew but also made them sing and perform an African song along with him that they enthusiastically followed. Clearly language is no barrier
where music is concerned.

Dharmesh Pande, a magician and ventriloquist, had the children awestruck and then in splits. Lunch and medical therapy had to be postponed by 30 minutes since they were so reluctant to leave.

President Shernaz Vakil and Director Arin Master were also there and met the hardworking staff as well as interacted with the children as we distributed gifts along with Milton tiffin boxes, that were generously donated by Rtn. Madhup Vaghani.

It was such a humbling experience to see children fighting for their lives still so happy and jovial and enthusiastic about enjoying each moment. Clearly a huge credit to the staff and their parents’ love.