Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


As we move into the New year with some trepidation, most of us have hope that things can only get better.

Having faced uncertainty and challenges through a difficult 2021, we are prepared to face the worst and get on with our lives.

Who could have imagined that for two years we would meet mostly virtually and carry out our projects distanced from our communities!

And this was the time we were needed most, and we were able to help and support many of those that reached out to us.

Then, just as we were readying to get out and start serving directly, we have once again been forced to scamper back into our corners.

Omicron may have temporarily upended our plans to fully open up, but if we move intuitively, whilst following the science, we should be able to do the next right thing with conviction.

I am still very optimistic that we will complete our plans, and our projects will move forward in time, with the support of our partners in the field.

After all we did also manage to have two very successful fellowships and to catch up with each other and rejoice, knowing that not much had changed!

So, on the wings of hope, let us fly into the New Year with the optimism that this too shall pass, and we will find ourselves in a more awakened world, sensitive to how we live and how we impact those around us.

Time to reset, renew, make meaningful changes and move forward!

— President Shernaz Vakil