Rotary Club of Bombay

Skill Development

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Skill Development

Schools have been running mostly online classes since Covid began, although there was a small window when offline
classes were resumed.

Unlike 2020, this provided a great opportunity to conduct the aptitude test in class at the individual schools of BY students of 10th standard in partnership with Young Buzz.

We hope to cross 100 students this year, more than double the number of students who took the test and experienced the aptitude tests and counselling sessions last year.

Last year’s numbers were creditable too, given the Covid related challenges and, besides, it was the first time YoungBuzz was carrying out everything online.

Once the tests are completed, and the results generated, individual career counselling would be carried out for each student along with their parents.

This will be a valuable experience in guiding them about what stream to select for further studies, from Art, Science, and Commerce, etc.