Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Lighthouse  / Art & Craft With Lighthouse

Art & Craft With Lighthouse

Doing art and craft together is so much more fun in offline class for our Lighthouse students. In keeping with the theme of the month, Insects, batches 1 and 2 of the kindergarten created an ant craft and a pretty dragonfly using
wooden spoons.

The students of standards 1 and 2 listened to ‘Janice in Chinatown,’ a story about Chinese immigrants living in Kolkata which described their customs in detail. The youngsters created then their own Chinese New Year decorations, paper dragons.

The oldest batch of students enjoyed doing magazine prompt art with colourful pictures from magazines and instructed to create their own ‘masterpiece’ centered around the image. At the end, each student was encouraged to describe his/ her creation in their own words.