Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Vineet Bhatnagar

Note From President Vineet Bhatnagar

Thank You – the first words that come to my mind as I look back at the last weekly meeting. I wish to thank the members of our Club for many reasons. It is my experience that the members of our great Club are always receptive to the requests that I take to them. Most of them always oblige me with their Time, Talent and Treasure – the three magic words coined by PP Nirav Shah. I sincerely appreciate our members for being patient with me and, also, extending their help whenever they can.

In the last few months, I have approached many members to help with committee work, guest speakers, fellowship events, participation in district events, etc. Almost every time I have noted that our members respond with immediate help. I have been urging our members to make time to attend the weekly meetings and I was thrilled to see the great
turn out on August 31st, 2022. The number of members in attendance crossed 100 and I was delighted to see a full room.

During the same meeting, the level of spontaneous fund support that came from our members for paediatric heart surgeries was unprecedented. We registered a record-breaking Rs 94 lakhs in this fund raise which includes a corporate CSR donor of Rs 25 lakhs. Our members offered support straight from their hearts and I am very thankful to each one of them.

I cannot emphasise enough that member engagement is the key factor in determining the level of service activity that RCB aspires to achieve. There is a direct and immediate correlation between the number of actively engaged members and the scale of community work that we can deliver. It is important to note that legacy offers credibility but it
cannot ensure relevance. To remain a relevant civil society organisation, RCB has to adopt a very inclusive approach of involving more and more members in all its activities and, at the same time, adapt to the evolving expectations of our donors in implementing and managing service projects. Once again, I reach out to all our members to lend me their
very valued help because only then RCB will continue to remain the benchmark of service before self.

— President Vineet Bhatnagar