Rotary Club of Bombay

Public Awards

Rotary Club of Bombay / Public Awards  / PP Dr. Mukesh Batra was recently conferred the Sattva Nation Wellness Icon Award in Delhi. PP Dr. Mukesh writes in:

PP Dr. Mukesh Batra was recently conferred the Sattva Nation Wellness Icon Award in Delhi. PP Dr. Mukesh writes in:

To receive this award at the age of 71 validates the hard work that I’ve put into my well-being and I genuinely hope that this will inspire youth to start taking care of their health from a young age.

Admittedly, there was a time, in fact, 20 years ago, when I started taking my health seriously. It’s ironic, honestly, that even though we’re fully aware of the repercussions, there are times we just neglect our health.

We only get one shot at life and the importance that we give to our health should be paramount. Being a sports enthusiast, I played table tennis and participated in state-level competitions but staying consistent became tough in the long run.

I think that taking care of one’s health requires consistency and discipline. Today, and for the last 20 years, I’ve made sure that I walk at least 10k steps every day and I’m genuinely proud to say that I’ve been consistent.

In my almost 50 years of experience as a custodian of Homoeopathy, I have seen many patients suffer from various
diseases, usually stemming from poor lifestyles, leading to heart attacks or other terrible complications. The diseases of the heart are mostly lifestyle based. And we can only keep our hearts healthy when we make healthier choices in life.