Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway  / 94th AGM report of Rotary Club of Bombay

94th AGM report of Rotary Club of Bombay

94th AGM report of Rotary Club of Bombay

1. Annual Report of various committees of the Rotary Club of Bombay for Rotary Year 2022-2023.

Resolved that the Annual Report of the Rotary Club of Bombay for the year 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 be and is hereby adopted.
The resolution is proposed by PP Vijay Kumar Jatia and seconded by Rtn. Samir Tapia.
Carried out unanimously.

2. Accounts of the Rotary Club of Bombay for the Rotary Year 2022-2023
IPP Vineet Bhatnagar and Honorary Treasurer Kirit Kamdar present an overview of Club accounts. We shall now adopt the accounts of the Rotary Club of Bombay and pass the following resolution. Resolved that the audited statement of accounts of the Rotary Club of Bombay for the year 1st July 2022-23rd June 2023, be and are hereby adopted. The resolution is proposed by Rtn. Manish Sampat and seconded by Rtn. Hiren Kara.
Carried out unanimously.

3. Accounts of the Rotary Club Bombay
Charities Trust No. 3 for the Rotary Year 2022-23.
Resolved that the audited statement of accounts of the Rotary Club Bombay Charities Trust No. 3 for the year 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 be and are hereby adopted. The resolution is proposed by PN Bimal Mehta and seconded by Rtn. Mehul Sampat.
Carried unanimously

4. Provisional accounts of Rotary Club of Bombay for the first four months of Rotary Year 2023-24.

5. Provisional accounts of Rotary Club of Bombay Charities Trust No. 3 for the first four
months of Rotary Year 2023-24.

6. M/s M.P. Chitale & Co. to be appointed as auditors of the Rotary Club of Bombay for the
Year 2023-24. And their remuneration be fixed at 50,000 per annum, exclusive of out-of-pocket expenses and taxes. The resolution is proposed by Rtn. S.V. Prasad and seconded by Rtn. Manish Reshamwala.

7. Appointment of auditors of the Rotary Club of Bombay Charities Trust No. 3. M/s M.P. Chitale & Co. was appointed as auditors of the Rotary Club of Bombay Charities Trust No. 3 for Rotary Year 2023-24 and their remuneration to be fixed at Rs. 1,75 ,000 per annum exclusive of out-of-pocket expenses and taxes.

Resolved that M/s M.P. Chitale & Co. be appointed as auditors of the Rotary Club Bombay Charities Trust No. 3 for the Rotary Year 2023-24 and that the remuneration be fixed at Rs. 1,75 ,000 per annum exclusive of out-of-pocket expenses and tax. The resolution is proposed by Rtn. Naresh Pachisia and seconded by Trustee PP Arun Sanghi
Carried unanimously.

8. Election of Officers and Directors.

The next point of the agenda is regarding the election of Officers of the Rotary Year 2024 -25 and Directors of Rotary Year 2024 -26. In response to the circular dated 17th October 2023, sent to all members the following valid nominations were received for Officers 2024-25 and for Directors 2024-26 of the Rotary Club of Bombay. The nominations mentioned below were scrutinised by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on 21st November, 2023 and were found to be in order.

Officers 24-25 are
President-Elect Rtn. Bimal Mehta,
President-Nominee Rtn. Manish Reshamwala
Honorary Secretary Rtn. Rhea Bhumgara
Honorary Joint Secretary Rtn. Akhil Sanghi
Honorary Treasurer Rtn. Mehul Sampat

Directors for 2024-26
Rtn. Renu Basu,
Rtn. Mudit Jatia,
Rtn. Jaymin Javeri, and
Rtn. Siddharth Bhimrajka

Since one nomination was filed for each vacancy, the nominees are declared as elected unopposed.
Further, PE Satyan Israni has appointed PP Framroze Mehta as an Additional Director for the Rotary Year 24 -25.

9. To pass the following resolution without modification:

Resolved that the members of the Rotary Club of Bombay do hereby consider and adopt the changes
in the Club byelaws as recommended by Rotary International and the Club bylaws be updated accordingly as under:

The number ‘60’ be replaced with the number ‘45’ in Section 4 of Article 6 and which shall now read as follows:

Article 6 – Meetings

Section 4 – Regular meetings of the Board shall be held once a month, on dates fixed by the President.
Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the President or upon the requisition of two (2) or more members of the Board. Within 45 days after all board meetings, written minutes are to be made available to all members.”

The resolution is proposed by PP Framroze Mehta and seconded by Rtn. Renu Basu.
Carried unanimously.

10. To pass the following resolution with or without modification:
Resolved that the members of the Rotary Club of Bombay do hereby consider and adopt the changes
in the Club byelaws as recommended by the Board of Directors and the club bylaws be updated accordingly as under.

a) Insertion of Clause (e) in Section 1 of Article 3, which shall now read as follows.
Article 3 – Election of Officers and Directors.
Section 1 clause E: The term of office of the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Joint Secretary will be one (1) year. The term of office of the Honorary Treasurer will be three (3) years, and the first such three-year term will start from 1st July 2025.

Resolution proposed by PP Rajnikant Reshamwala and seconded by Rtn. S.V. Prasad.
Carried unanimously.

b) Amendment of clause d of section 1 of Article 9 which shall now read as follows:
Article 9: Duties of Committees and Chairpersons under Avenues of Service.

Existing clause is as follows:

Each committee shall consist of one chairperson, one vice-chairperson and not less than three other members. So, the normal constitution of every committee should be five. The President, in consultation with the Board, shall appoint the chairperson of each committee. No person shall be appointed as chairperson for any committee for more than three consecutive years. This is the existing provision. We added one more line: “Such appointments must be approved and duly recorded in a Board of Directors meeting.” The resolution is proposed by Rtn. Mehul Sampat and seconded by Rtn. Tahera Mandviwala.
Carried unanimously.

With that, the Annual General Meeting proceedings were closed.