Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / Valentine’s Day lunch for AY elders

Valentine’s Day lunch for AY elders

Valentine’s Day holds diverse meanings for different individuals.

While many associate it with romantic gestures, for elders, who have accumulated a lifetime of experiences, love transcends mere romantic relationships. With Ananda Yaan, they have found companions who enrich their lives and bring them joy on a daily basis.

Yearning to celebrate this day of love, the elders expressed their desire to exchange affectionate notes and messages with each other. To their delight, upon arriving at the centre, they were greeted with a beautifully adorned table, set for a communal meal.

This year, the festivities were elevated by the generosity of a benevolent donor, who arranged a sumptuous feast for all 230 members. The act of celebrating Valentine’s Day with the elders brought immense joy to the donor’s family, who received heartfelt blessings in return.

Rotary Club of Bombay’s Ananda Yaan Committee extends profound gratitude to the donor, wishing them continued good health and prosperity. Adding to the warmth of the occasion, the adult children of some Ananda Yaan members volunteered to serve the meal, further enhancing the sense of familial love and togetherness.