Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Bhavishya Yaan Siksha District Initiative

Bhavishya Yaan Siksha District Initiative

Rotaract District believes that its time for a change, its time to for a revolution, its time to spread education and see a literate India by 2020. The initiative started by PDRR Harikrishnan Pillai in 2009 -10 with an aim of bridging the gaps between municipal schools and have a literate youth so that the change can be facilitated by the youth.

This year Rotractors of district 3141 are back with the initiative with set modules and goals of how to spread education.

Here are the modules:
A. Module 1
a) Health & Hygiene
b) Public Speeking
c) Open Discussion
d) Social Etiquettes
B. Module 2
a) Tracing words
b) Days of the week
c) Clock Reading
d) Letters & Words
e) Grammar
f) Numbers (Includes basic addition subtraction)

With a view to give Rotaractors an opportunity to experience teaching, this program was kicked off with their first session with Bhavishya Yaan at GK Marg School with basic English speaking on 9th September, 2017.

They guided students as to how to pronounce words with 9 volunteers from different Rotaract Clubs who came and gave their contribution towards this noble initiative. They will conduct 5 more sessions to complete their module on alternate Saturdays.

Bhavishya Yaan Students of grade 4, 5 and 6 are participating in this initiative which is a great learning experience for both sides.