Rotary Club of Bombay

Cancer Aid

Rotary Club of Bombay / Cancer Aid  / Cancer Aid Committee Report

Cancer Aid Committee Report

Cancer Aid committee of Rotary club of Bombay decided in the beginning of the year to do 10 early detection camps. By the mid -year they have organised 5 such camps. One such awareness and early detection camp on 10 January in slum area at Kajupada-Kurla. This time many people came ahead in pre registrations and thus instead of 100 the camp was held for 180 people with bigger team. The CPAA team of technicians and Doctors set up private screening enclosures for women and men and efficiently did the following: Gynaec check up, Blood test, BP check up, Pap smear, Breast examination, Prostate check up, ENT check up, General physician check up

This camp proved to be very helpful for them as they would have not taken initiative to go for the checkup.

Total no. of people : 180

All follow up cases were counselled & advised timely follow-up at our centers. All the above will receive reminders in advance to come for checkup at our Naigaon OPD center. All ladies were taught self breast examination by our gynecologist and were given pamphlets of the same to practice once in the month regularly.

Tobacco habituates were counselled and given tips to quit tobacco.

Checkup Data
• Total no. of people screened for cancer: 180
• Total no of male: 106
• Total no of female: 74
• Anaemia [low haemoglobin] : 8
• Tobacco habit: 47
• High blood pressure: 29
• Usg & psa for prostate: 8
• Bilateral sonomamography: 4
• Usg pelvis: 13