Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 36 • March 13, 2018

Vol. 59 No. 36 • March 13, 2018

Dear friends,
Our Rotarians have discovered the joys of traveling together.

And they are reveling in it.

Anar Shah led a group of Rotarians to Rishikesh.

And I vicariously enjoyed the trip through the lenses of our expert photographers.

The next issue of the Gateway will show you how much these travelers enjoyed themselves.

And from the looks of it, Anar will be in demand for leadership roles in the days ahead.

Sadly that winds up the outstation fellowships for this Rotary year.

Burma was amazing with the characteristic meticulousness of Sandip.

An assimilation trip to Mahabaleshwar was thoroughly enjoyed thanks to the graciousness of Avaan and Jimmy Vakharia, Zinia Lawyer and Gopi and Ashish Vaid.

And now everyone is raving about Rishikesh which I very unfortunately missed at the very last moment.

Its been very interesting this year in terms of outstation fellowships.

Sandip Agarwala, Jimmy Vakharia and Anar Shah, take a bow.

But there will be many more such trips planned I am sure, in the year ahead, and these good experiences can only result in an increase in participation in the subsequent trips.

OK, so much for outstation fellowships.

We are seriously planning for an ambitious Environment project.

Our Bhavishya Yaan is evolving with the introduction like STEM into an amazing course.

Ananda Yaan is delivering happiness.

Our Talwada medical activities are only increasing as our Cotton Green activities.

Our Sports Committee has quite a few activities planned out.

Our Rotaract Committee will be rolling out its Echo program.

To mention a few of things one can look forward to in the near future.