Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 59 No. 47 • June 5, 2018

Vol. 59 No. 47 • June 5, 2018

On-going projects.
Dear friends,

Our Club has some distinguished on-going projects and I will first name Phiroze R Vakil Eye Centre (PRVEC) and the Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre (ADMC) becaue they have truly stood the test of time.

Based out in rural Talwada, these centres are a “must-see” for any Rotarian or anyone who is interested in the social space.

Whatever I could say about Dr. Rahim Muljiani, Dr. Rumi Jehangir, Dr. Soli Jhaveri, Dr. Rohini Chougule, Dr. Mehernosh Dotiwalla and all those who go there month after back-breaking month and provide superlative care to the poor Adivasis, will be inadequate. Honestly, I am in awe of their commitment. Add the fact that all medical services at these two centres (eye, dental, chest, pediatric, pathology) are given free of charge to these underprivileged people and you have two real winners as far as projects go.

Bhavishya Yaan is now over eight years old. It is widely acclaimed. Awarded by Rotary International and the District. Lauded by the media. Its students have been setting new benchmarks every year. They are now studying and training to be Chartered Accountants, Engineers and professionals in the hospitality sector. And some of them have set up professional businesses. They are our pride and joy.

Then you have the Water Resources projects, the Women Empowerment project the Urban Heritage project, the Cotton Green Medical Centre and Ananda Yaan the elder day care project. Some of these have exceeded expectations and some are facing challenges.

But there is one common factor that runs through all the more successful on-going projects. And that is personal commitment.

I am convinced that in the social space, successful projects are driven by people who not just ideate but also roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. People who are passionate about making a difference. People who realize there is a place for “cheque-book charity” but that will never take the place of good ideas, good intentions and good, old-fashioned hard work.

And this is what binds people together, inspires media attention and motivates donors in the long run.

I am proud that our Club has people of substance who are able to make and keep projects successful over the long haul.