Rotary Club of Bombay

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ECHO awarded Best Joint Project by Rotaract District 3141

Under the passionate leadership of Rtn. Freyaz Shroff, ECHO has touched great heights. The Rotaract Club of HR College along with the other Rotaract Clubs,managed to educate 230 students this year.

We made sure we started our training sessions for the mentors two months in advance to ensure everything went on smoothly.

All the rotaractors also went to the slums to understand their situations and problems in a much better manner. There were 4 zones this year and every zone had different types of people who changed in just 5 days and managed to get on the right path of life. This year the winners were given laptops and a hamper from Dr. Batra’s Clinic and apart from this all the 200 participants received a stationary kit to help them in college. We also had our very own Rtn. Dr. Mukesh Batra who was our first speaker and spoke on how to be an effective leader. His speech was also an eye opener for all the students.

This year ECHO was a great success because of the hard work and determination put in by all the Rotaractors. ECHO was awarded as the best joint project by the district 3141at the Academy for awarding Rotaract achievements and it was the best feeling.

Thanking You,
Rtr. Mehak Mehta
Rtr. Palak Shah

Taskforce Team 2018 – 2019, Rotaract Club of H.R.College, R.I. Dist. 3141