Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Bhavishya Yaan, GK Marg gets a high tech Computer Lab

Bhavishya Yaan, GK Marg gets a high tech Computer Lab

We welcomed our generous club members – Rtn. Shernaz Vakil and Rtn Vineet Bhatnagar to our Bhavishya Yaan family yet another time on 16th July at the GK Marg municipal school to the melodious tunes of the Bhavishya Yaan song.

Vineet and President Vijay Jatia, broke the coconut and lit the lamp to traditionally open the doors of education with new computers having 100% licensed Windows, MS office and original anti-virus packages with three year AMC contracts.

Shernaz not only donated all the computers for the lab through her foundation created by her father, but keeping values of him alive, she personally spent time with the children encouraging them to
learn English. She appreciated the
work of art that the students made
for her.

Vineet, came with his team member, Kinshuk – from Phillip Capital. This company has adopted the GK Marg project for three years through their CSR initiative.

His vision, like always is beyond just donating money or doing routine things like calling students over to his office for an exposure. He wants to brainstorm and take this association to another level by making his employees get involved with children in real time.

Both Shernaz and Vineet along with our President Vijay Jatia, PP Nirav Shah, BY Chairman Rtn. Jamshed Vakharia, R/ Anne Malti Jain, R/Anne Avaan Vakharia and R/Anne Poonam Surana enjoyed the skit on unity in diversity, story reading and nursery rhymes presented by the children.

They clapped along the music to encourage the participants.

Everyone appreciated SSC student, Dhanashri for the PowerPoint presentation made on the Importance of Reading.

We thank our education partners – Info troopers and Mr. Girish and Niranjan for maintaining quality computer education with efficient teachers and constantly upgrading the