Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Vol. 60 No. 06 • August 07, 2018

Vol. 60 No. 06 • August 07, 2018

Dear Friends,
This has been an action packed week and I am happy with the momentum picking up.

We started with the inauguration of the Water Purification System by the Water Resources Committee at the Anjuman-I-Islam group of Schools at Kurla which will benefit more than 8500 students and teachers. This was followed by the Bhavishya Yaan Annual Day. I would like to applaud the efforts of Avaan Vakharia, Rashmi Bapna, Jaya Prasad, Ekta Shah and Beena Yargop, because of their dedication we had such a wonderful ceremony. A special thanks goes out to Priti and Pradeep Gupta too, for bringing back the movie fellowship night.

Our medical centre, PRVEC at Talwada will be completing 40 years this month. We have planned a visit to Talwada on Sunday, 2nd September 2018. Kindly do join in large numbers.

I am sure each of you has received a communication from the Public Awards Committee. We hope to be more inclusive and look forward to receiving the names of nominees for various award categories from you all.

We have initiated a new award as well – HERO OF MUMBAI Award. It would be bestowed upon anyone who has shown valour and accomplished any heroic feat.

We encourage open participation from everyone and hope you interact and attend the forthcoming events planned.

Thank You,
Rtn. Vijay Jatia, President