Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,
It is saddening to see our fellow Indians in Kerala going through such a tumultuous experience due to the floods. I humbly reach out to all of you and sincerely request if we could gather funds to be sent to Kerala.

Let us show our solidarity and come together. Now is the time to truly show who Rotarians really are. It is time to put our words into actions and work towards betterment for the society at large. The week gone by had many activities with the inauguration of the Lighthouse Project, inauguration of the Primary Section at the Colaba Municipal School, Independence Day celebrations at our Bhavishya Yaan schools, eye check up camp at Ananda Yaan, 2nd installation of the Rotaract Club at ISME and much more.

I look forward to receive your support.

Thank You,
Rtn. Vijay Jatia,