Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Primary Section Inauguration at Colaba Municipal School

Primary Section Inauguration at Colaba Municipal School

The grand opening of the Colaba primary section took place on Thursday 16th August amid much excitement and fanfare. The Bhavishya Yaan team was excited about welcoming 300 new children to the BY family. The new Bhavishya Yaan lassroom was beautifully decorated by our enthusiastic alumni student Shadab and teacher Nisrin. The colourful floor mats and folding tables gave the room a festive air.

Many Rotarians attended the inaugural event making it a memorable morning. President Vijay Jatia along with PP Rtn.
Arun Sanghi cut the red ribbon. President Vijay then addressed the children followed by Chairman Rtn. Jamshed Vakharia. Principal Bhusara was extremely cooperative and helpful and in his speech expressed his desire to make the Colaba primary school on par with private schools. R/anne Beena Yargop mentor of BY at Colaba school was filled with
pride and joy at admitting 300 more students into the Bhavishya Yaan fold taking the count of Colaba school to a staggering 550 children.

RCB endeavours to support a generation of children and enable them to learn, grow, flourish and be prepared for the exciting challenges that lie ahead for them.