Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / ‘Bhavishya-Yaan’ Students Going Places

‘Bhavishya-Yaan’ Students Going Places

The Bhavishya-Yaan Committee members were over the moon last week when they learned that their students have started going places and moving up in life. During a recent visit to the Kala Ghoda outlet of the Westside department store, one of the Coordinators was pleasantly surprised to bump into two former Bhavishya- Yaan students who were employed there as regular staff. The girls were identified as Hema and Malti who had passed their SSC from the Colaba municipal school. They had attended the Bhavishya- Yaan classes regularly for a year and a half. After completing their SSC, they had studied further and done their HSC and now, for the last one year, the two young girls had been working at Westside.

According to Coordinator Bijal Kara, it was a proud moment for all Rotarians to see these positive results flowing from the intense training provided to underprivileged children. The two girls at Westside worked as salesgirls and on the cash counters. They spoke in fluent English and were of great help to the customers. Another two girls, who are now 18 years, have started leading better lives by supporting themselves and easing the burden on their parents. While their mothers work as maids or domestic servants, their fathers are employed as drivers. These two girls are very happy with the remuneration that they earn and are genuinely proud that they are not forced to work as maids or to do housework.

‘Bhavishya-Yaan’ Students Going Places However, all the girls (and boys) were very thankful to the Bhavishya-Yaan programme for taking such interest in them and giving them that little extra – something that gave them the extra edge. Even at the time of their interviews, the girls said that when they were able to converse in fluent English and to show that they were familiar with computers, it made a big difference. Perhaps, that was the reason why they were chosen for the jobs over the others. Well done, boys and girls of the Bhavishya-Yaan. May many more doors open for you.