Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Fellowship  / Join Us For The Most Spiritual Experience On Earth

Join Us For The Most Spiritual Experience On Earth

My fellow Rotarians, Fellowship trip: Benares Yatra Get set to inhale the spirituality of Benares! The land of Varanasi (Kashi) has been the ultimate pilgrimage spot of Hindus for ages. Often referred to as Benares, Varanasi is the oldest living city in the world. These lines by Mark Twain say it all: “Benares is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together.” Hindus believe that one who is graced to die on the land of Varanasi will attain salvation and freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Abode of Lord Shiva and Parvati, the origins of Varanasi are as yet unknown. But the Ganga in Varanasi is believed to have the power to wash away the sins of mortals.

The boat ride on the Ganga in Varanasi is a rare experience Join Us For The Most Spiritual Experience On Earth (SEE ITINERARY DETAILS BELOW) COST:
(1) On double occupancy basis approximately Rs 32,500 per person;
(2) On single occupancy basis approximately Rs 48,000 per person. The above cost includes accommodation, breakfast, one meal (lunch or dinner) everyday at Taj – The Gateway Hotel Ganges Varanasi; all airport transfers except at Bombay, vehicles for all tours, sightseeing, entrance fees at all sightseeing spots included in the tour cost.

The cost does not include airfare. All tours (all sightseeing will involve lots of walking!) will be conducted by awardwinning guides and in small groups of 8 persons. There will be plenty of gastronomic feasts, spiritual upliftment and frenzied shopping opportunities! You will have the option to opt out of any tour or sightseeing if it is too much for you, but there will be no refunds on account of this. For those wishing to attend (on a first-come-firstserved basis as we have very limited rooms), please send in your payment favouring “Rotary Club of Bombay”: for Rs. 32,500 or Rs. 48,000 per person (as applicable) to the Rotary office by Saturday, October 10, 2016. Cancellation charges will be as per hotel policy.