Rotary Club of Bombay

Nutrition ( Akshay Patra)

Rotary Club of Bombay / Nutrition ( Akshay Patra)  / Rotarians to Run in Mumbai Marathon for Akshaya Patra

Rotarians to Run in Mumbai Marathon for Akshaya Patra

The Mumbai Marathon, scheduled for January 17, 2016, is a great event for NGOs to create awareness and raise funds for their noble work. This time The Rotary Club of Bombay will also participate in the Mumbai Marathon and send out a team of 15 of its members to run for the cause of The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF). TAPF is the world’s largest NGO in the School Mid-day-meal programme. It is a scientific program (3 studies by MIT and Harvard Business School) with ethical guidelines that make it the 26th ranked Financial Reportage in the world (Forbes). Their mission is to ensure every child attends school by providing them with a hot, tasty, nutritious, wholesome mid-day meal. The organization’s vision is ‘No child in India shall be deprived of an education because of hunger’.

Founded in 2000, Akshaya Patra now feeds 1.4 million children every day, across 10,700 schools in 10 states. At a mere cost of Rs.750 per child for a whole year. Their goal is to feed 5 million by 2020. TAPF has been commended by the Dalai Lama, PM Modi, Global Presidents Obama, Clinton and APJ Kalam; as also starwarts including Ratan Tata and Narayan Murthy. Akshaya Patra runs 24 automated, hygienic kitchens, with 12 of their kitchens being ISO 22000:2005 certified. A survey by AC Nielsen has revealed that student enrolment, and attendance has climbed in their schools, while drop-out rates have fallen. Nutrition levels have also climbed.

Importantly, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) have awarded Akshaya Patra a Gold Medal for Financial Reporting 5 years in a row, thus entering its Hall Of Fame – only the third organization to achieve this, and the only NGO. The Ministry of Finance has given Akshaya Patra 35 AC status, which means donation to the organization are entitled to a 100% tax exemption. Those interested in running and raising funds for Akshaya Patra may contact Harry Singh on 98201 28774.