Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / A truly heart-warming story by Ramesh Narayan

A truly heart-warming story by Ramesh Narayan

We often talk about how the Universe conspires to bring things together. And then sometimes we actually experience it. I was driving to Virar (about 2 hours away from Mumbai) to attend a music performance for elderly ladies that had been put together by friends of mine, Pratibha and Geeta with the help of another singer friend, Romita. At that time, Ekta Shah who manages the Bhavishya Yaan program at the GK Marg Municipal School messaged me that an Alumni of our Bhavishya Yaan program who was studying in college and always attributed her success to our program, wanted to give back to society, and could I think of something for her. I got out of the car and asked Pratibha and Geeta if this girl could accompany them to an orphanage they were helping out at, sometime in the future. They said they were going there in a day’s time and the young lady was very welcome to accompany them. I connected Ekta to them.

Many weeks later I was planning out my installation and was about to call Dolly Thakore and request her to be the MC for the show, when a thought struck me. I called Pratibha and asked her how she found that young lady who despitebeing so impoverished, wanted to
give back to society. The report was nothing short of overwhelming.Then I asked her if she could help this girl from the slums of Worli to be the MC at my installation as President of the Rotary Club of Bombay.

I thought what followed was amazing. Pratibha and Geeta went into high gear coaching the young lady. Ekta who was traveling kept in touch with a hundred tips on several points. I called Dolly and told her that she is normally requested to introduce political leaders and film stars but would she be kind enough to introduce my own star, a little girl with a paralysed father, no mother and two sisters and a brother as the MC? Dolly was her usual warm and helpful self. She didn’t bat an eyelid and spontaneously agreed. And Pooja Kamble took center stage on Friday, 30th June at the Taj Crystal Room before a packed audience that could have intimidated anyone. She was cool, poised and natural. I congratulated her and thought the story was over. My objective of showcasing Bhavishya Yaan had been achieved. Or so I thought.

One of my personal guests was Ashrafi Matcheswala the General Manager of Hotel Taj President. Now Ashrafi obviously saw something much more in young Pooja. So she went back and then proposed that Pooja be admitted in the B.Voc (Bachelor of Vocation) program being run by the Indian Hotels Ltd. and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). It was late and the batch was full. But Ashrafi decided that she had to make it happen. And so she did. Pooja Kamble has signed up to do the course and is on her way to becoming a professional in the hospitality industry. I am sure the Rotary Club of Bombay will be happy to pay any fees that might be needed.

So many people had to come together. So many events had to fall into place. They say there are no coincidences in life.