Rotary Club of Bombay

Club Service

Rotary Club of Bombay / Club Service  / Another Set Of Gifts For Assimilation

Another Set Of Gifts For Assimilation

The Assimilation Committee, with Manoj Patodia as co-Chairman, has been encouraging members to mix and interact over lunch at Rotary meetings. Some members of the Committee stood at the registration counter at the last meeting and requested members to pick a ribbon of any one of four colours. The ribbons were then pinned on their sleeves. When they approached the lunch tables, they sat at tables that had ribbons with similar colours. President Dr.

Sonya Mehta requested the guest speaker, Ms Geeta Anand, to pick a ribbon and announced that those seated at the table with blue ribbons would be presented with eco-friendly gifts. The winners included Jagdish Malkani and Hoshang Billimoria.