Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / Art And Dance At Aryan Samaj School

Art And Dance At Aryan Samaj School

Did you know that dreams can be interpreted in many ways? But so far as the Rotaract Club of Bombay is concerned, “Dreams” is its flagship project and stands for Dance, Riding, Elocution, Art, Magic Show and Singing. The Club conducts workshops every year for the children at municipal schools and at orphanages to develop their personalities and bring some joy into their lives.

This year, the first phase of the project was conducted with students of the Aryan Samaj High School at Opera House on August 8, with the focus on art and dance. The children were asked to use their imagination and prepare drawings with Independence Day as the theme. Following the art competition, a dance workshop was conducted. A popular song from the film Taare Zameen Par was chosen and the children were taught dance steps by Vidhi Trivedi, a Rotaractor. Later, several Rotaractors joined them as they performed.