Rotary Club of Bombay

Child Welfare Committee

Rotary Club of Bombay / Articles posted by admin (Page 103)

On May 15, Rotary Club of Bombay in association with Salaam Baalak Trust distributed essential ration and basic hygiene supplies to 24 families of street children. Parents of these children, who have lost their livelihood and find it difficult to make ends meet, are being supported by the Child Welfare Committee of RCB. These are the...

Fellow Rotarians, Very Warm Greetings! It is said that William Wordsworth — called a ‘poet of nature’, whose poetry is filled with tramping up hills, through dales, forests, around lakes, and along public roads, walked as much as 180,000 miles in his lifetime i.e. an average of about six and a half miles each day, starting...

The Rotary Cancer Aid Committee conducted a camp for cancer awareness education and screening for wives of serving soldiers on March 12th at Powai. Around 60 women were screened at this camp. [gallery columns="2" size="full" link="none" ids="22367,22368,22369"]...

As DG Harjit Singh Talwar congratulated the Rotary Club of Bombay for a job well done these past years and outlined the path ahead, an air of pride and determination dominated RCB’s Tuesday meeting last week AT THE OUTSET let me congratulate and compliment all the Past Presidents of this Club, 90 years’ service to the community,...

Dear Friends, As the number of Covid cases in India passes 1.25 lakh with almost 4000 fatalities, it is important to recognise that strong immunity is essential to fight this virus. Dist. 3141, on consultation with a nutritional expert, prepared nutritive snack packets to be consumed every day to boost immunity. As a start, we distributed 2000...

PROMOTING WATER STEWARDSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE, EFFICIENT, AND JUDICIOUS WATERUSE IN DROUGHT PRONE REGIONS OF MAHARASHTRA A Progress Report (April 2019-March 2020) The goal is to increase the capacity of rural communities to address water related issues in a climate change context by promoting its sustainable, equitable and efficient use. The project is implemented in 10 villages in Jalna district...

100 PAIRS OF FEET The Rotary Club of Bombay facilitated a hundred pairs of slippers reaching the feet of migrant workers trekking their way home. RCB was able to have Kanishk Gaur of the India Future Foundation, Delhi, pick up the hundred pairs from Noida and also distribute them to the migrant workers in Gurgaon. A small...

This week, we contributed 37 ventilators to the St. George Hospital, Mumbai where they are treating highly critical Covid-19 patients. We, at the Rotary Club of Bombay, are proud to be at the forefront of providing our government the necessary equipment and resources to save precious lives! Another six ventilators will be delivered next week to...

Fellow Rotarians, Very Warm Greetings! It originated in Wuhan, China and soon spread like wildfire all over the world. In a matter of a few weeks, our lives changed in such drastic ways, making us aware of the importance of very many things which otherwise one simply took for granted. Global economies are impacted and on a...

Even as India and the world celebrate the quick lockdown effected upon 1.3 bn people in the world’s largest democracy, P SAINATH throws light upon a total miscarriage of justicebillion On May 17th, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued an extremely strict curfew order which said: ‘Movement of individuals is strictly prohibited between 7 pm and...

Fellow Rotarians, Very Warm Greetings! HE VISITS MY TOWN ONCE A YEAR. HE FILLS MY MOUTH WITH KISSES AND NECTAR. I SPEND ALL MY MONEY ON HIM WHO, GIRL, YOUR MAN? NO , A MANGO. -AMIR KHUSRAU (Sufi musician, poet, scholar (1253-1325) and spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya, Delhi) Mango, the quintessential summer fruit, the ‘King of Fruits’ and...