Rotary Club of Bombay

Author: admin

Rotary Club of Bombay / Articles posted by admin (Page 175)

History was created when eleven years ago, on January 12, 2008, 17 Rotarians teed off at the United Services Club for the First Annual Golf Tournament of the Rotary Club of Bombay initiated by Moy Biswas. Since then this tournament has been held every year and its ever-growing appeal has led to a roaster of...

The Nutrition Committee with the following members Harry Singh Arora, Ekta Shah, Avaan Vakharia, Anar Shah, Mahesh Khubchandani planned on carrying the following activities at 5 Bhavishya Yaan Schools everyday. • Distributing bananas • Distributing Threptin biscuits as a source of protein twice a week in all 5 In addition, over a continuing programme, they are distributing peanuts...

NMJ is back with a fun filled Saturday! MakarsankrantI, Lohri, and Pongal being around the corner, brought about a well spent Saturday at NMJ in preparation towards these festivals. 7th to 9th std students had a session on Makarsankrant and Pongal. It started with discussion on why they are celebrated? And their importance in our lives. The...

At the end of the District Governor’s speech, President Ramesh Narayan said, “His informality, his rigid approach to - one thing only - being on time, and the fact that he has been able to dispense with the frills and fuss, make him an extraordinary man.” As you well know, District Governor Prafull J. Sharma, or...

Dear Friends, The Official Club Visit of the DG went off very well. It was nice interacting with the District Team headed by District Governor Prafull Sharma and nicer hearing him say kind things about our Club. Yes the Rotary Club of Bombay is an institution built on the untiring efforts of its Past presidents and members over...

Some of the Ananda Yaan elders expressed a desire to see some temples. So an anonymous donor decided to fulfill this desire. Almost 90 elders from both centres of Ananda Yaan piled into two buses and drove off for a day trip to Nerul to visit four temples and have a relaxed lunch at a garden...

In many western countries, it is a tradition to decorate a Christmas tree. The true story is actually a little different: Long before the commencement of Christianity, plants and trees that remained green all year had a special meaning for people in the winter. Just as people today decorate their homes during the festive season...

CCI held their annual Christmas party for the Bhavishya Yaan children. 700 Children from all the five schools attended the party. The party was every child's dream with trampolines, rides and music. There was bungee jumping, train rides, tattoo artists, popcorn, candy floss, games and lots more! Hundreds of children danced energetically to Bollywood music....

The Bhavishya Yaan students from GK Marg participated in interschool competitions which were held all of last week. A total 39 BMC schools participated in the competitions. Our boy’s team won a gold medal in Kabaddi. School captain, Kunal Shelar and his team were coached by our alumni, Mr. Pranit Kijbile, which was his way...

Children in India are particularly vulnerable and in every 16 seconds, a child in India tries tobacco for the first time. This means that every day, 5500 Indian children try tobacco for the first time. Up to onethird of these children are under the age of 10 years. 14.6% of youth aged 13 to 15...

Dear Friends, The reason for giving. Happy New Year to each of you’ll. I wish you all have a healthy and happy year ahead. The festive season is drawing to a close. But giving doesn’t need a season. Giving only needs a good reason. And I will give you some very good reasons to give. Your Club is managing some wonderful ongoing projects...