Rotary Club of Bombay

Author: admin

Rotary Club of Bombay / Articles posted by admin (Page 186)

Dear friends, There are some unique activities that the Rotary Club of Bombay has to its credit. One of them is the In Camera Committee. This is really an informative meeting with a speaker, combined with a dinner hosted at the residence of one of our generous Rotarians. So this could very aptly be described as...

The Women's Empowerment Committee (WEC) began the current Rotary year with continued support to the International Women's Association (IWA) in an on-going effort to help underprivileged slum children, who are being prepared by the "Prem Daan" nuns and teachers of Garden School, to enter regular schools. Last year’s health check-up was an eye opener to the...

The two most important pillars of the Rotary Club are fellowship and service. Representing the Fellowship Committee at the Tuesday meeting was Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla, who added to these two pillars a third: the ability to complement service with fellowship. Unfortunately, the weekly meeting does not give rotarians enough time to interact with each other. So...

Bhavishya Yaan Committee and its Alumni thank the Scholarship Committee of Rotary Club of Bombay for their support by contributing towards their fees for the first year at college. They will now start their degree towards graduation in various streams with big dreams. They have all promised to work hard and produce even better results...

We often talk about how the Universe conspires to bring things together. And then sometimes we actually experience it. I was driving to Virar (about 2 hours away from Mumbai) to attend a music performance for elderly ladies that had been put together by friends of mine, Pratibha and Geeta with the help of another...

Good health is good business and sometimes, good business can also be very good health,” began Anuj Rakyan, who belongs to the young breed of entrepreneurs who have found a way to market their passion. The importance of maintaining a healthy diet and keeping fit “was ingrained in [him] from a very early stage by...