Rotary Club of Bombay

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Rotary Club of Bombay / Articles posted by admin (Page 50)

The Rotaract Club of Sydenham College (RCSC) has a new event named ‘Let’s Eco brick’. Eco bricks is a plastic packed bottle with used plastic to set density to create a reusable building block. It can be used to create modular items, furniture, garden walls and other structures. Meaning, your leftover plastic is going into...

SEEING IS BELIEVING It was 2 am. Chinchutara chinchutara kept spinning in my head! I could hardly contain the anticipation of actually visiting the communities we had agreed to support a mere five months back. Could the project have been completed so quickly and could we have really made that difference we were hoping for? As we roller-coastered across...

English literacy classes for the Mothers’ Programme at Lighthouse continue to be conducted weekly. This is an online initiative to enable mothers engage better with what their children learn. It also makes them more confident when dealing with their child’s school. Over the months, we have noticed a change in the attitude of the mothers. They...

The Rotaract Club of ISME celebrated ‘55 Wala Bachpan’, a Children’s Day event at Ananda Yaan (an activity centre of RCB in association with Dignity Foundation), with approximately 70 middleaged women. The event began by addressing the ladies as students and introducing the team that would be interacting with them. Bollywood film Sholay was used as...

As 425 Rotarians, their partners, and children, all of the Alpha family descended on Goa, the Taj Convention Centre and Resort rolled out the red carpet to welcome us. From October 16th to 18th, over two nights and three days, A-listers set a blistering pace of events, learning, games, food fest, entertainment, and leisure in...

‘Keep the ocean clean! That’s the most important thing!’ sang our oldest Lighthouse students at the Litfest finale held on November 13th, 2021. The Litfest is an annual Lighthouse event where children explore different themes using language as a bridge. This year, depending on their grade levels, kids learned about the inhabitants of Earth’s deep, hydrological...

GENESIS OF A THREE-YEAR PLAN Having hunkered down for over 18 months, many of our projects had to be either curtailed or even closed down. When I took over, we faced a kind of transition period, as one by one our projects restarted in phases. This was and is the perfect time to reassess our initiatives, reevaluate...