Rotary Club of Bombay

Author: admin

Rotary Club of Bombay / Articles posted by admin (Page 61)

on July 19th, 2021, and, met Rotarians in the city over an exclusive dinner at Four Seasons Hotel. RIP Shekhar is the 4th Indian to be appointed RI President in 116 years. While RCB’s President Shernaz Vakil was unwell and unable to attend, the Rotary Club of Bombay was represented by PP Arvind Jolly and Rtn....

The Rotaract Club of Jai Hind College organised a simple but effective project titled ‘Wings of hope’, to feed the city’s birds. Participants used eco-friendly bird feeders made by themselves, coconut shells, vessels, ready bird feeders, earthen pots covered with leaves. Beneficiaries expressed their joy with happy twittering....

Bhavishya Yaan Mentor Rtn. Ptn. Avaan Vakharia takes regular online Mathematics classes with BY students from Ambedkar School, Worli. Although this is not a BY class, Avaan has been voluntarily teaching these students daily, during the lockdown, to strengthen their Maths skills through problemsolving. They enjoy her class and attend regularly. Her commitment to the...

See the BY kids present their project HERE. Vitthal Popat Gund, Dnyaneshwar Subhash Jadhav, Devendra Chetan Chalke, Yash Sunil Jagdale, and Rohan Santosh Mhaske, from our Colaba School, worked on the Manhole Science Project inspired by the tragedy that took the life of Dr. Amrapurkar. Dr. Amrapurkar, a gastroenterologist from Bombay Hospital, fell in to a...

RCB’s senior citizen’s activity centre, in association with the Dignity Foundation, organised a dance module for its members on July 8th, 2021. Neeta Nilesh Sheth, a trained dancer, choreographed the elders. [gallery columns="2" size="full" link="none" ids="26953,26952,26951,26950"]...

The Rotaract Club of Hinduja College, RCB’s Partners-in- Service, organised a quiz competition for students of Grades 1 and 2 on July 22nd, 2021. The topics were national symbols and general knowledge. Each grade got questions as per their educational level. A winner from each standard received an e-certificate. The Child Welfare Committee thanks the...

The Rotaract Club of Hinduja College’s team International Service organised its flagship event ‘Nelson’s Legacy’ on July 18th, 2021, Nelson Mandela Day. The two-day initiative with the Gilder Lane Municipal School, Mumbai, was packed with a mental math session, a module on table etiquette, and a two-part segment on English vocabulary. [gallery size="full" link="none" ids="26971,26972,26973,26974,26975,26976"]...

For weeks now, I have been wanting to start a page in The Gateway bulletin that taps into the generosity of our Rotarians. I am very sure that a page where we list out small, meaningful gifts would bring more pleasure to us, the donors, than even the recipients. It may mean nothing for us to spend...