Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Articles posted by admin (Page 95)

“WE ARE INDIANS, BOLD AND FREE,” SANG THE K.G. TOTS OF THE LIGHTHOUSE CLASS ON AUGUST 15TH, 2020. As it was not possible to hold a physical flag-hoisting ceremony due to the lockdown, it was decided to have an Independence Day assembly online using the Zoom platform. Over 30 students from K.G. to class 5 participated...

PP Rtn. Arjun Bulchandani 30 June 1927–3 August 2020 Members of the Rotary Club of Bombay offer their condolences and prayers to the bereaved family and friends of PP Rtn. Arjun Bulchandani. PP Rtn. Arjun Bulchandani joined Rotary in 1970. He was a Senior Active Rotarian for the last 50 years. He was passionately committed to the Rotary...

A three day Stress Management Virtual Workshop using the Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique which is a combination of Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama. The workshop is open to family members as well. It is a free workshop. However, registration is compulsory due to limited seats. A maximum of 30 participants allowed on a first come first served basis! Venue:...

Inner Wheel Club of Bombay held an all-important Talk on the Rakshin Project, presented by SMITA BHARTI, Executive Director – Sakshi on 07.08.20. Sakshi works to train Rakshins, specifically in the areas of Child Sexual Abuse, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. Smita Bharti is recipient of the Karmaveer Puraskar, and a force behind the Vishakha...

MANJEET: SHOBHAA DE’S NEW BOOK LOCKDOWN LIAISONS CHRONICLES SOCIETY AND ITS CHANGES DURING THE LOCKDOWN. WHAT TRIGGERED THE IDEA OF THIS BOOK? Shobhaa De: These stories reflect all that we have been going through. We have our coping mechanisms; some people cook, some people acquire new skills, some people have joined online classes, some bake, some...

MY MONSOON MENU Have you ever changed your diet to protect your body from the onslaught of the burning heat or the bitter cold? Probably not. And what about the monsoons? Do we examine our tiffins (instead of our tyres) to see if they will get us through the slush and rain? Certain dietary strategies can...

It is said you must first know how to identify a line and be able to paint within it before you can decide how much you are willing to paint outside it. Education plays a similar role in children’s lives. Giving them boundaries and structure to grow into their own before they can branch out...

Nature, beaches, culture & heritage, nautical, camping, luxury, gastronomy, health & wellness, and rural tourism ~ a holiday through Croatia and Slovenia has everything and more [gallery size="full" columns="2" link="none" ids="23572,23573,23574,23575,23576,23577,23578,23570"]...