Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Ananda Yaan  / AY @ Covid-19 Lockdown

AY @ Covid-19 Lockdown

The situation at the Ananda Yaan’s Dr. E. Moses Road centre was getting precarious day by day as the lockdown continued. Our coordinator was getting calls that many senior citizens were running out of ration and had no help. There were many cases where the earning member of the house was not getting a salary or was stuck in their village. This left the senior citizens alone.

Some borrowed from neighbours but that option too was not sustainable. On May 7th, Rotary Club of Bombay and Dignity Foundation got together and supplied a month’s ration to 80 senior citizens. At the time of the distribution the senior citizens diligently followed social distancing norms. They made a proper line, there was no crowding or talking and very peacefully, in less than 30 minutes, all the ration bags were distributed.

Many senior citizens called the next day and were emotional and full of appreciation and gratitude for the timely help. So many of them were stressed out; relief came just in time. All the senior citizens gave their blessings to Rotary Club of Bombay and Dignity Foundation.