Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Back to School Drive

Back to School Drive

Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world.

On the 14th of July we, Rotaractors from HR College conducted a Back to School Drive at the Colaba Municipal School. The basic concept of the project is to educate the students further and prepare them for the future. So we test them on various topics like Maths, Grammar, Spellings, General knowledge and their vocal skills.

We ask each one of them a question on each topic and if they successfully answer our question we give them a Back to School Drive buck which helps them buy gifts from the stall we set up.

We got more than 600 gifts from the Crawford Drive that was held with help of our members.

We conducted this project with the 8th and 9th graders. We tapped upon 210 kids and each kid had 2 or more gifts to take home. Every child left with a smile on their face. The Principal and the teachers of Colaba Municipal School are very happy with our work and have asked us to visit again. We plan to conduct one Back to School Drive every month with even more variations.

– Rotaract Club of HR College