Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Bhavishya yaan – Free Eye Check Up

Bhavishya yaan – Free Eye Check Up

Bhavishya Yaan committee of Rotary club of Bombay is grateful to Dr Radhika Krishnan for agreeing to do free eye check up camps for all 1000 BY sudents of 5 schools through her foundation Aditya jyot of which she is the CEO.

They will not only do the check up but also provide free spectacles to all children who need them.
Aditya Jyot Foundation for Twinkling Little eyes had successfully conducted free eye check-up camp on 08th July, 2017 for School children with the support of Abdul Hamid Ansari Trust at Ganpatrao Kadam Municipal School, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai.

The Aditya Jyot Foundation for Twinkling Little Eyes is a not-for-profit body, without-reach programs aiming to redress the suffering of low income groups, marginalized population living in rural and urban slums and tribal areas in our state through free eye camps and free eye treatment.

The foundation is committed to eradicate the needless and avoidable blindness in society through better access to eye care and quality care treatment. Comprehensive eye examination was done for ocular morbidities like Refractive error, color blindness, conjunctivitis, childhood cataract etc.

Aditya Jyot foundation team includes optometrists and allied staff who create awareness on eye diseases and do comprehensive eye examination of children.

Initially, examination of the anterior segment (eyelid, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, and pupil) was performed.

After screening, children with low vision were dilated for final diagnoses of refractive error. Written informed consent from the school authorities was obtained. Then pupil was dilated of 18 children.

After dilatation, vision was refracted by the optometrist, regardless of visual acuity, using a streak Retinoscope.

Free spectacles were provided to needy children.

In this event, 73 children were screened and free spectacles were distributed to 11 children. Eye drops were prescribed to 5 children for minor eye problems.

Aditya Jyot foundation team received overwhelming response from the School authorities.

We thank Dr. Manish Sonawane main doctor, Mr. Rajesh Jaiswal & Dr. Shivani Junior doctors, Ms.Yasmin Shaikh social worker, and Mr. Sagar for planning and coordinating the camp.