Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Bhavishya Yaan Working Hard to Make a Difference!

Bhavishya Yaan Working Hard to Make a Difference!

The RCB acknowledges and appreciates the Bhavishya Yaan Committee in its sincere pursuits and successes in various projects that they undertake that make a world of a difference in the lives of numerous children. A few projects that has kept the Committee members on their feet include: – A 9-day literature festival was held across all BhavishyaYaan Schools, culminating on the 4th of November, as a competition-finale at the Byculla school. Winners were given special prizes in the form of story books.

The fest focused on the use of English and learning through role-play, skits, elocutions, spelling-bees and debates. All the five schools’ coordinating Rotaryannes were present for the grand finale . – Bhavishya Yaan’s education partnership with the Vidya Foundation teaches English and life skills to municipal kids in the five schools of South Bombay. A screening of the inspirational educative documentary, ‘He Named Me Malala’ was organized for the children. The awareness on education created by this documentary had a huge impact on students as they were unaware of fundamental rights, the locations in the movie, or that it was a true story! Encouraging feedback and questions were received from many children during the follow up session next day, showing a high level of interest. – Children’s Day was celebrated on November 14th at the Colaba Bhavishya Yaan School.

Around 112 children enjoyed the celebrations which included an enticing magic show followed by much revelry comprising games and dance and lip-smacking snacks. The magic show, which went on for over half an hour, had the children mesmerized by the Magician’s tricks. Later the children danced away in merriment celebrating their own special day! The event concluded with an interesting brief shared with them about the concept and significance of ‘Childrens Day’. – A Diwali Workshop was held for about 60 students, where they were educated about the harmful effects of crackers and taught to adopt alternative ways to celebrate the festival, like painting Diyas. The Diya painting workshop showcased a lot of creative talent amongst the children as they displayed innovative and attractive designs. All present promised to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali henceforth!