Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / BY Students Re-invent Rakshabandhan

BY Students Re-invent Rakshabandhan

In an effort to reduce the carbon footprint, 80 children of Ganpatrao Kadam Marg School, on 6th August, made beautiful rakhis from waste material.

At first, the children were given a brief introduction to the festival, and were made to realize its importance through exemplary stories of Rani Karnawati and King Himayun, Alexander the great and King Puru, Lord Krishna and Draupadi, and Lord Bali and Godess Laxmi

There was a lot of enthusiasm amongst the students as they were taught how to make rakhis from waste cloth. For decoration, they used old greeting cards and unused decorative material available at home. Thus training the kids on the concept of re-cycling.

The children were glowing in the pride with the ones they has created. They marveled at how a little effort and thinking on their part, could convert waste material, into such beautiful Rakhis. In recycling waste material, they strengthened their bond with their brothers and the environment.