Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan (Page 10)

This project, organised by the Rotaract Club of H.R. College, revolves around the idea of teaching differently privileged kids of Bhavishya Yaan. Members visit Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Municipal School, Worli every Thursday and Friday and shake things up for children from standards 1 to 4. A fun, learning activity is carried out each week, followed by...

The Rotary Club of Bombay thanks Rtn. Vineet Bhatnagar for bringing PhillipCapital’s resources into the Bhavishya Yaan project by contributing its time, money and effort towards the Centre at G.K. Marg BMC School, Lower Parel for three years. In addition, he also leads by example by getting personally involved in uplifting the lives of underprivileged...

Meha Shah (Rtn. Sitaram Shah’s granddaughter and Rtn. Vandan Shah’s daughter), a student of Cathedral and John Connon School, along with her friend Aman Shah (from B.D. Somani International School), has completed 120 hours of volunteering at Bhavishya Yaan. The duo is now spending alternate Saturdays at the Lighthouse School in the Bhai Bhandarwar Machimaar...

Anvitaa Seksaria and Suchi Jatia, two students of the Bombay International School, began the Knowledge through Interactive Demonstration of Science (KIDS) programme on February 2, 2019. Realising that there was a disconnect between the scientific knowledge students gained from their textbooks and its real-life applications, they set out to help Bhavishya Yaan (G. K. Marg...

Primary students from ages 5 to 8 years at G K Marg School were made aware of the importance of road safety rules and regulations. National Road Safety Week is being held from February 4 to 10, 2019. The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘Sadak Suraksha – Jeevan Raksha’. G K Marg teachers celebrated it...

Primary children of GK Marg School hooked their dreams upon their kites and let them soar. In a play day for them, they drew their dream on a piece of paper and wrote out how they would move towards it on the reverse. This was then attached to the kites and flown. They were told that Sankranti...

Over 2,500 under-privileged children enjoyed the Christmas Carnival splash thrown by Rtn. Suresh Agarwal at the CCI Club, Churchgate, this year. Not only was he generous in his sponsorship of this party, he also spent time with the kids. The mega Christmas Carnival is an annual party that Rtn. Agarwal has been hosting for seven consecutive years....

The primary children of Bhavishya Yaan (G K Marg, BMC School) and Lighthouse (Child Welfare Committee) had a dental check-up by the Rotaract Club of Government Dental College on December 14, 2018. A dentist, a team of 10 interns and students interacted with the children to understand their past experiences with tooth aches, causes of tooth...

Where does Santa live? In each one of us, if we have the right spirit. Meet our own Santa Claus with a heart of gold! Rtn. Suresh Agarwal, as Vice Chairman of Entertainment Committee of CCI Club, is organising a mega Christmas Carnival at CCI Club lawns. He has been doing this for the last seven years...

The children of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar School had a blast at McDonald’s at Phoenix Mall on Children’s Day. The children had burgers and ice cream. The McDonald’s staff were extremely helpful and ensured that all kids enjoyed their meal. Many of the children had never been to a mall before. They loved going up...

BY kids impress their guardians with performances of The Jungle Book NM Joshi Marg BMC School had its meeting with parents of the primary section on November 29. It has been one of the best parents’ meetings so far. The attendance was amazing. The class was over-flowing with parents. Some of them had to stand in the...