Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Lighthouse

Storyland Camp 2024 unfolds magic at Lighthouse Classes 1 and 2 delved into “Little Red Riding Hood,” while 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders explored “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Through storytelling, activities, and creativity exercises such as character analysis and bookmaking, children enhanced their imagination and vocabulary. On the final day, seniors presented their own rendition of...

Health camp for Lighthouse   To uplift the weaker and underprivileged people of the Macchimar community in Cuffe Parade, the Child Welfare Committee of RCB organised a free health check-up camp in collaboration with the Wockhardt Foundation on March 7th, 2024. A total of 132 community members, mostly women, were screened for diabetes, underwent general check-ups, eye...

RCHR hosts puppet workshop for kids of RCB’s Lighthouse Project On February 26th, 2024, the Rotaract Club of H.R. College organised an engaging activity named “Katputli” at the Rotary Club of Bombay’s Lighthouse Project. The objective was to foster creativity and improve fine motor skills among 30 children through an interactive puppet-making workshop. Alongside 20 committed...

Lighthouse Project kids celebrate Grandparents Day!   The cherished bond between grandparents and grandchildren is both heartwarming and universal. Grandparents Day serves as a special occasion to celebrate and honour this unique relationship across generations. At our community Lighthouse Project, we recently introduced and celebrated this significant day. A total of 45 grandparents enthusiastically participated in various...

Lighthouse kids enjoy Sports Day On Sunday, January 21st, 2024, the Lighthouse Project organised its sports day at the community ground opposite the classroom. Donor Ms. Bhavna Daftary, Chairman Rtn. Charu Agrawal, Rtn. Vandan Shah, Rtn. Meher Vakil, Rtn. Ptn. Ekta Shah, and Rtn. Dilip Dalal spent the morning with our children, actively participating in races...

Master Samaksh Israni celebrated his 9th birthday with his young friends at RCB’s Lighthouse Project. He organised a nutritious treat of south Indian cuisine topped with cold drinks and a music learning session for the 90 children. His baby steps are tenderly moving to fill the big shoes of his graceful grand-dad Rtn. Shivkumar Israni and...

Team Partners-In- Service of the Rotaract Club of Hinduja College celebrated Christmas on December 22nd, 2022, with the Lighthouse children through a wonderful event called Hola Santa! Celebrations began with introductory sessions in which Rtr. Medhaa Asnani shared the significance of Christmas and why it is celebrated. The event was a combination of fun and learning activities. Our...

Rtn. Suresh Agarwal shared the joy with Lighthouse children by also inviting them to the CCI for a Christmas party. 81 children enjoyed an afternoon of fun there, accompanied by three teachers, two mothers and a volunteer from St. Xavier’s. Tattoos seemed to a favourite among the tiny tots as they excitedly showed each other...

Rotary Club of Bombay’s Lighthouse students participated in an Annual Taekwondo Competition organised by the DSB International School in Lower Parel on December 4th, 2022. Our children have been learning taekwondo weekly for the last three years and were ready to face external competition. We are proud to share that Rudra Meher from Lighthouse won three medals...

Our Diwali Literature camp 2022 focussed on diction and confidence building. Activities to encourage these were conducted which ended with short performances. A nature walk to CPRA GREENS was a new concept introduced this year and we are grateful to parents for their support. Children are compared to beautiful flowers and our senior and junior kindergarten children looked...

An outdoor activity added value to the current topic of ‘Flower’ in our Diwali camp for the children of our Lighthouse Project. 25 tiny tots of Senior and Junior kindergarten accompanied by four adults were taken to CPRA Greens on November 3rd, 2022. They eagerly touched different types of leaves and flowers and saw Cats Claw,...

MANI BHAVAN WAS THE FOCAL POINT OF MAHATMA GANDHI’S POLITICAL ACTIVITIES IN MUMBAI BETWEEN 1917 AND 1934. Today, it’s a museum and historical building dedicated to him and his work. 32 children of Lighthouse Project from classes 1 to 5 visited Mani Bhavan on October 1st, 2022. They were happy to see the library with...