Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Lighthouse (Page 8)

The Lighthouse class held its New Year concert on the morning of January 6, 2019. Around a hundred students from K.G. to Std. IV participated in the programme, which was held on the community stage outside the classroom. About 150 parents came to see their children perform on the stage for first time. This was a...

THE TEACHERS OF THE RCB Lighthouse class set up a mock ‘supermarket’ complete with real fruits, vegetables, groceries and toiletries within the classroom on October 17th. The teachers first showed the kindergarteners how to make purchases, after which the K.G. students went ‘shopping’ on their own. The children used the play money provided to buy items of their...

The Young Indian chapter of CII conducted a workshop on good touch - bad touch. We had invited even mothers without children to get involved in the community and make them also understand this sensitive topic. YI chair of Bombay – Priya, came with her team. She took two sessions by explaining and showed a short animated...

Our Rotarian Pritam Sanghai’s daughter - Shriya (a BD Somani grade 12 student) showed interest in volunteering at RCB's project Lighthouse. She spent time with our students and shared her experience with a very sweet thank you note. “I would like to thank Rotary for this great opportunity because it’s a way to give back to...

RCB Lighthouse students surprised their community with an Independence Day celebration. They sang patriotic songs in English, gave a speech on Independence Day and took a pledge to be responsible citizens. The head of the community Mr. Moreshwar Patil was very happy with this RCB initiative and mentioned the Lighthouse class twice in his speech addressing around...