Rotary Club of Bombay

Skill Development

Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Skill Development

RCB brings change to Vavar school On June 23rd, 2024, the Rotary Club of Bombay continued its mission to transform rural India by inaugurating the Integrated School Development Project at Vavar Ashramshala, Jawhar Taluka, Palghar, Maharashtra. The project was supported by Indian Oxides and Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Led by President Manoj Patodia, the group, which included donors,...

1. Improving the quantity and nutrient level of food consumed in the household This primarily includes improving access to generalised household food ration through public distribution system. Also providing access to supplementary foods under the integrated child development services scheme. To impart knowledge to improve the local diet, production and household behaviours through nutrition and health...

Schools have been running mostly online classes since Covid began, although there was a small window when offline classes were resumed. Unlike 2020, this provided a great opportunity to conduct the aptitude test in class at the individual schools of BY students of 10th standard in partnership with Young Buzz. We hope to cross 100 students this year,...

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Meera Alreja Chair: Rtn. S V Prasad Co-Chair: Rtn. Swati Mayekar Members: Rtn. Ashok Jatia, Rtn. Bipin Vazirani, Rtn. Homi Katgara, Rtn. Ptn. Jaya Prasad The Skill Development Committee’s goal is to assist youngsters from humble backgrounds in career planning. It embarked upon two initiatives namely: Aptitude Test and A Robust Database on the Cloud. Aptitude Test :...

The Rotary Club of Bombay’s Skill Development Committee conducted a number of aptitude tests across various demographics. So far, 48 children have taken the test from all the five Bhavishya Yaan schools. This is deemed a very good response given the network challenges faced by the children – connectivity, signal strength, data plan limitations. Nearly...

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Vineet Bhatnagar Chairperson: Rtn. S V Prasad Vice-Chairperson: Rtn. Swati Mayekar Committee members: Rtn. Bipin Vazirani, Rtn. Homi Katgara, Rtn. Ashok Jatia, Rtn. Ptn. Jaya Prasad Skill Development Committee (SDC) has been formulated with the objective of taking forward the yeoman work being carried out by the Bhavishya Yaan (BY) Committee. SDC aims to counsel and guide the...