Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Fellowship (Page 7)

Members of the Rotary Club of Bombay gathered to pay homage to those martyred in the heinous attack upon a Central Reserve Police Force Convoy in Pulwama on February 14, 2019. A peace march was organised by RID 3141 on Wednesday, February 20. Everyone assembled at the Gateway of India at 6.30 pm. Members lit candles...

Rtn. Rajas Doshi and Rtn. Ptn. Jyoti Doshi hosted a wonderful fellowship on the lawns of their residence on February 15, 2019. Close to a hundred Rotarians and their partners enjoyed a lovely evening with lilting music, cocktails and a fabulous dinner spread. RCB President Vijay Jatia thanked the gracious hosts for their warm...

The Rotary Club of Bombay had its fourth Assimilation dinner on December 9, 2018 at Rtn. Ian and Blossom Pinto’s beautifully done residence. The evening began at 8.30 pm with a number of old and new members in attendance. To keep in the spirit of Christmas, the Pinto residence was decorated in a lovely Christmas...

S V Prasad recounts the fellowship to Odisha We, the 18 Odisha Juggernauts, embarked on our journey on December 3, 2018. After landing in Bhubaneshwar, we drove straight to the Lord Jagannath Temple Town, Puri, a 40 km drive away. In Puri, we took a green tour on cycle rickshaws to the Old Town, ending with...

The annual Christmas fellowship was held on December 16 at Artisan at the Sofitel Hotel. It was a funfilled, breezy Sunday brunch with over 160 members and their partners, attending and enjoying the jazz music, wine and delicious food. An added attraction was the al fresco dining while relaxing in lovely cabanas and enjoying foot...

November 25, 2018 was a milestone day for Rotary Districts 3141 Mumbai and 3142 with our own Rotary Club of Bombay in partnership with Rotary Club of Mumbai Nariman Point hosting the Race for Humanity (RFH) 2018. RFH was positioned in RCB President Vijay Jatia’s calendar as a fun-filled fellowship day of the Mumbai horseracing season at...

BLACK IS BACK On November 25, a Black Tie dinner was held at the Konkan Café at Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai. This was a foundation dinner where two Rotarians were inducted as AKS (Arch Klumph Society) members. A total of 95 Rotarians attended the event. RIPE Mark Maloney and PP Rtn. Gay Maloney, RIPN Sushil Gupta, PRIP Rajendra...

Rtn Devoo Kothari and Sevantilal Parekh played hosts to Rotary Club of Bombay at an evening filled with warmth and camaraderie at the Willingdon Sports Club [gallery link="none" size="full" ids="16811,16810,16809,16808,16807,16806,16812,16813,16814"]...

DIWALI FESTIVITIES WERE ORGANISED BY the Fellowship Committee on October 31st, 2018 at Four Seasons Hotel. It was a lovely evening with fun games, cocktails and dinner, attended by around 200 Rotarians and their partners. The attendees enjoyed a scrumptious dinner with Indian and Pan Asian dishes on the menu. A high energy entertainer kept guests...

Rtn. Tara Deshpande Tennebaum launches a new book IN AN INDIAN SENSE OF SALAD: EAT Raw, Eat More, Rtn. Tara Deshpande Tennebaum shows how to use fresh, local, easily available Indian vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, natural sweeteners and cold-pressed oils to prepare raw and partiallycooked salads from around the world. Tara de-constructs classic Indian dishes...

RTN. AKHIL AND MADHVI SANGHI HAD A NICE ASSIMILATION DINNER ON October 20th at their Prabhadevi residence from 8 to 11 pm. There were 36 people in attendance. PP Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla and Rtn. Zeenia Master spoke at length about Race for Humanity (November 25th, Sunday) to those present....