Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 19)

I am happy to announce that all committees have enthusiastically kick started this year with detailed plans laid down for various projects. Having a plan in place is the only way to keep ourselves on track. There is a saying that goes, “When you know where you are going, the universe will pave a path...

We have stepped into the new Rotary Year. I am thankful for your support and good wishes that each and everyone has expressed in the past few days. We have already collected funds worth 1.5 crores. As quoted by Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” The more the...

Dear friends, There are some important updates I need to give you’ll. Firstly, work is currently on to convert the Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre (ADMC) at Talwada into a really modern and comfortable place for our patients and doctors. Towards this, three new dental chairs have been ordered. A new X'Ray machine (digitised) has been ordered. And...

On-going projects. Dear friends, Our Club has some distinguished on-going projects and I will first name Phiroze R Vakil Eye Centre (PRVEC) and the Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre (ADMC) becaue they have truly stood the test of time. Based out in rural Talwada, these centres are a "must-see" for any Rotarian or anyone who is interested in the...

Dear friends, Continuing in our series of “So whose year is it anyway?” we have this piece from Avaan who is one of our star mentors in the Bhavishya Yaan Program. She overseas the program at the Worli Ambedkar Municipal school with passion and compassion. And Jimmy who is seen in the picture with her is one of...

I'm sure you'll have noticed that the horse-drawn Victoria's are no longer seen on our roads. You don't have to cringe at the sight of those poor horsespulling obscene loads, or standing in the scorching heat or pouring rain. It took PETA a long and arduous legal battle to reach this happy ending. And they were helped in...

Dear friends, This one is for my Directors. The four who joined the Board in my term. Not to say the others are any less. They have all been exemplary. The interesting thing is that Past President Rumy Jehangir advised me once that "you will always have your friends, so don't think of stacking the Board with them". And...

So whose year is it anyway? As the Rotary year draws to a close, I am being increasingly accosted by well-meaning members of our Club with the question "So how has your year been going?" And my standard answer has been, "you need to tell me that". Yet I have been thinking about it and I really believe...

Dear friends, The elderly gentleman whose picture you see is a member of Ananda Yaan Byculla centre. His name isn't important. His story is. When he joined Ananda Yaan some seven months back, he had difficulty walking and could barely see with one eye. A couple of weeks back he went to one of our Rotaryannes and told...

Dear friends, One of the things I was apprehensive about when I was taking over as President of the RCB was the rather daunting prospect of raising money for our large, meaningful and very necessary social service projects. Yet, I committed myself to one thing. I would not seek funds for my Rotary year alone. I would try and...

Dear friends, We have an exciting speaker line up for the next few weeks. Kabir Bedi, Dia Mirza and Amin Sayani. You can't miss these meetings. 6th April will also see an exclusive dinner in honor of the visiting Rotary International President Elect. Where our own Arvind Jolly will be felicitated for his meaningful contribution to The Rotary Foundation. Be...

Dear Friends, Every organization has its high profile and high decibel members. Performers who are seen and heard and rightfully recognised for what they bring to the table. But then sometimes we forget to specially acknowledge a significant group who soldier on, not caring for the spotlight, happy to do what they feel is right. And so...