Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk (Page 3)

WHY IS THERE INCREASING MENTAL STRESS IN MODERN LIVING? In several ways, post-WW2 reconstruction resulted in economic well-being that stemmed from consumption rather than contribution. The metrics that we have applied to measure well-being are GDP, per capita income and wealth. We consume from outside in whereas we contribute from inside out. It is the realisation of...

TO CREATE A CHANGE, LEADERSHIP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAT AUTHORITY. Most of us consider authority and leadership as interchangeable. The truth is that to be a leader you need not be a person-in-authority. The driver who takes your 88-year-old father to the hospital during emergency when you are on an overseas vacation with your family; the 18-year-old...

SERVING OTHERS HAS NO VISIBLE LIMIT – it is the pathway to no bigger joy, no bigger challenge, no bigger opportunity and no bigger responsibility. Often, we find the challenges surrounding our communities so significant and complex that we wonder if mere good intent and compassion can bring solutions. So, we stop ourselves from taking that...

HOW DO WE INCREASE OUR EFFECTIVENESS a group of people all of whom signed up to do good? When you and I became Rotarians we made a commitment to ourselves that we were consciously making a choice to give. It was largely a “follow my heart” calling but most will agree that it was also a...

THE LAST HURRAH From Covid-induced brain fog to a Parisian hurrah it’s been a roller-coaster of a year. The pandemic played hide-and-seek with our members and projects not allowing us to operate as we normally would have done. Since then, it’s been a frantic race to revive, renew and re-vitalise our mandates with the communities we serve. I have...

TEA WITH MR. MUKHERJEE! RCB has a very close relationship with the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya (CSMVS museum). Ever since Rtn. Manoj Israni of our Club supported the illumination of the masterpiece of architect George Wittet, CSMVS has transitioned from darkness into being the highlight of culture in the city. The credit of course goes to...

NEW BEGINNINGS Saturday, June 11 will be a very special day for us at RCB this year. Not only would we be inaugurating some of the final 12 villages in our Integrated Village Development initiative, but we would also be honouring one of our most committed Rotarians at Talwada doctor PP Dr. Rumi Jehangir as well as...

DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION In a world that is fast becoming polarised by politics, religion, ethnicity, and casteism we, at Rotary, are an international organisation that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. How do we ensure this? Our members are invited to be members of the Club based on their suitability to fit into the values and ethos of...

INSTA GRATIFICATION Greetings from hot, sunny, and sandy Dubai! I am here on a long pending working holiday, with meetings during the day and gourmet escapades at night. Looking out of my glass walled abode I see a new architectural feat come up in front of my eyes. This city is such an enigma; on one hand it...

A MOTHER’S DAY WELL SPENT! Sunday before last, on Mother’s Day, an intrepid group of regulars took a trip beyond the RCB model village of Pingemen to the two new villages we were about to inaugurate that day. We were to visit the Integrated Village Development Programme at the twin hamlets of Waghatpada and Wakadepada, impacting over...

HEART OF THE CITY We thought nothing would make up for the chaos outside; the crazy traffic, the maze of humanity, the sudden diversions, and the fact that half our members (eager to be part of our In-Camera Fellowship) would have to turn back. We were so wrong. We spent a lovely evening in the greens of...

PARADISE REGAINED Srinagar is a city of roses and gardens and we dutifully visited all, delighted with the vibrancy and bright colours of the exotic flowers and foliage. The highlight of the trip for most, though, was the long, languorous ride on a shikara from Nagin Lake to the Dal. We weaved our way through lotus gardens...