Rotary Club of Bombay

Nutrition ( Akshay Patra)

Rotary Club of Bombay / Nutrition ( Akshay Patra)

3 meals a day for kids at Desire Society   The Rotary Club of Bombay team dedicated eight days to providing breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner to children living with HIV/AIDS at Desire Society. Desire Society, established in 2005 as a non-profit voluntary organisation in Hyderabad, is committed to the health development and well-being of children infected and...

RCB’s daily mental health programme for children Rotary Club of Bombay’s Committee for the Care of Neurodivergent Children has an ongoing programme on mental health daily (full year) for children with a mental handicap, at Mankhurd in association with AWMH Maharashtra, with qualified ‘special occupational therapists and speech therapists. It is an EIRP (early intervention centre). About 20-25 children...

“There is a new food revolution all over India but there have been a couple of mini food revolutions in India in the last five or six decades. Each decade has seen a revolution. In Bombay, in the ’50s and ’60s if you wanted to go out to eat, you went to the local Chinese...

The Nutrition Committee with the following members Harry Singh Arora, Ekta Shah, Avaan Vakharia, Anar Shah, Mahesh Khubchandani planned on carrying the following activities at 5 Bhavishya Yaan Schools everyday. • Distributing bananas • Distributing Threptin biscuits as a source of protein twice a week in all 5 In addition, over a continuing programme, they are distributing peanuts...

The RCB's Night Studies Center (NSC), along with Bombay YMCA ORD department took yet another step forward in uplifting the lives of students from the Madras Wadi (Worli), by commencing a Nutritional Programme at its Night Study Centre. An average of 35 – 40 students falling in the age group between 10 daily from this...