Rotary Club of Bombay

Other Projects

Rotary Club of Bombay / Other Projects (Page 7)

On the 9th of August, 2018, the Child Welfare Committee of Rotary Club of Bombay inaugurated their first initiative— Project Lighthouse in association with NGO Vidya our educational partners in the project. Project Lighthouse is an after school program providing educational support and guidance for children from KG to 4th Standard from the Bhai Bhandarkar Machimar Nagar...

Under the passionate leadership of Rtn. Freyaz Shroff, ECHO has touched great heights. The Rotaract Club of HR College along with the other Rotaract Clubs,managed to educate 230 students this year. We made sure we started our training sessions for the mentors two months in advance to ensure everything went on smoothly. All the rotaractors also went...

Brand is NOT a product, package, offer or service, NOT a name, logo, package design, ad campaign or slogan. Brand is the sum of all associations, characterizations or perceptions in someone else’s head regarding a specific offer (product, service, organization, etc.) Brand is the promise and delivering the promise is branding Simply put it - brand...

A summer camp for street kids at Salaam Baalak's Marine Drive centre was organised by the newly formed Child Welfare committee of RCB. Along with art, craft, dance, computers, committee member Rotary Anne Ekta Shah has also enrolled them at CSVS museum summer workshops for greater exposure. Children are being exposed to different techniques at the museum...

The Summer Camp for street children at the Salaam Balak facility at Marine Drive has been facilitated by the newly formed Child Welfare Committee chaired by Rajesh Shah. Rajesh and Rotaryanne Ekta have hit the ground running. Apart from this they have also planned to provide holistic care to students from the KG class to...

Echo, those 4 letters, those 4 months, those final 4 days, there are no words which can describe this project. It all started with the organizing committee meeting at ISME for something, a something which would awaken another side of their soul, a something, which would make them family. These leadership sessions mentored us in...

My passion has always been at the forefront of everything I do. From the work I do for dislodging the stigma around mental health through the Poddar Foundation’s flagship program ‘Silence ti[Di[’ and the Wellness Consulting Company (Mind Over Image Consulting) we run for corporate wellness, educational wellness and personal wellness, within which we have...

Growing children require good nutrition to build healthy bodies and fight diseases. Attitudes towards food are shaped during early school years, forming the basis for future eating habits. In order to inculcate healthy eating habits in children, Sanskar  India Foundation (SIF) conducted workshops on Food & Nutrition in various schools across Mumbai. The workshops were conducted in...

The Rotary Club of Bombay associated with the Mumbai Police and VCan to spread awareness about the need to observe traffic discipline. Boards are being set up at prominent locations and the public are being motivated to choose one of the pledge cards, take a picture with it and these are uploaded onto a...

Project Echo was initiated with the aim of bridging the massive academic lacuna that exists between the public and private education spheres in India. It enables both sides of the spectrum to understand each other as well as introduce them to a whole new world. The aim of ECHO is to provide equal opportunity to...

Last year on 8th December, the Sukhada – Wins Toilet Blocks project was inaugurated by RIPE John Germ at Chembur. This was in keeping also with the focus on 'Dignity of women' urged upon by the PM, Narendra Modi to all parliamentarians and the corporate sector, to build separate toilets for girls in schools across...

The past few weeks has our TV screens bleeding with the ghastly catastrophe that Chennai has been dealing with. Apart from the huge loss of life, thousands of people have been fighting for their very survival, stranded without bereft of food, clothing, drinking water, medical care and shelter. A disaster of this magnitude needs even...