Rotary Club of Bombay

Phiroze Ratanshah Vakil Eye Centre

Rotary Club of Bombay / Phiroze Ratanshah Vakil Eye Centre (Page 2)

Rotary Club of Bombay in association with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and FLO (FICCI LADIES ORGANISATION) started this new project study to understand the possibilities of converting Talwada into a ‘Smart Village’. Under this initiative, consultant Mr. Prakash Iyyer and his team visited RCB’s Talwada Medical facilities, while making a complete...

Here are the details of the number of patients treated at the Hassanali Tobaccowala Eye Center (HTEC) in the first four months of the Rotary year 2016-17: OPD Patients 5,273 Spectacles given 374 Operations 284 Intra-ocular lens implants 241 Corneal transplant 1 Lasers 63 In addition to the above, laying of a water pipeline from the Surya dam reservoir to ADMC and...

Established in 1902, The Victoria Memorial School for the Blind (VMSB) has been in the service of the visually impaired for over 110 years. On the 7th of January, 2016, the RCB was pleased to show its support by donating Brail software to the VMSB. The support given by RCB through Dr. Batra's Foundation will...

It is said, of all the blessings one is bestowed with, the blessing of good health is the one most prized. And of all the senses that we are granted, the sense of sight is the one most treasured. And that is what makes the RCB project of Talwada most precious, as its 'Hasanali Tobaccowala...