Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Sergent-At-Arms

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Mehul Sampat Chairperson: Rtn. Hoshang Nazir Vice-Chairperson: Rtn. Ritu Prakash Desai Committee members: Rtn. Khurshed Poonawala Number of Committee meetings held: 4. Our objective has been to welcome the speaker when they arrive at the venue, and get them settled in before the meeting. We also encourage members to donate to the service box, the proceeds of which...

FOURTH CLUB ASSEMBLY - OCTOBER 2017 Chair - Roda Billimoria Desai Committee members : Rtn. Sitaram Shah, Rtn. Natasha Treasureywalla Status Report/Our Activities To maintain decorum at meetingsTo ensure all items/publications/material/badges/gifts etc are in order-a check list to be signed by a committee memberTo introduce to President/Secretary guests and visiting RotariansTo collect funds on monthly basis for (a) specific...

The Sergent-At-Arms is responsible for maintaining decorum at meetings, ensuring that the weekly meetings are carried out as planned, oversee service box collection on a weekly basis, and that speakers, guests and visiting Rotarians are looked after well. The collection till date for various community service projects such as Pediatric Heart Surgeries, Animal Welfare, Scholarships, Bhavishya...