Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway (Page 19)

Nitya Mehra, Executive Producer and Director of Made in Heaven, making waves on Amazon Prime, in conversation with Rtn. Sherebanu Baldiwala and Rtn. Abhinav Aggarwal Welcome to the Rotary Club of Bombay. Congratulations on the stupendous success of Made in Heaven. Thank you very much. When you create something, you want people to watch it but you...

Rather than be a parasite devouring all of Earth’s resources, mankind must develop more sustainable ways to fuel its engine of growth CAN POLICYMAKING integrate a scientific approach into development? This was the question thrown up by last Tuesday’s guest speaker Dr. Deepak Apte (Director, Bombay Natural History Society). Although Dr. Apte was speaking of India specifically,...

POLICYMAKERS AND LEADERS MUST ASK THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT OF THEIR FUTURE. HUMAN KIND ITSELF, AS A SPECIES, MUST KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION Indian-American anthropologist Arjun Appadurai has lived in the US for 50 years while his research and teaching has revolved around India. Many of the Rotary Club of Bombay’s Rotarians knew...

Shri C.H. Vidyasagar Rao took charge as Governor of Maharashtra on August 30, 2014. He brings with him a vast and varied experience of public service. A senior leader from Telangana, Shri Vidyasagar Rao has served as Union Minister of State for Home Affairs and subsequently as Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry in...

The subject of last Tuesday’s talk was ‘The new food revolution’. That would make the guest speaker – a food blogger of repute – Kalyan Karmakar, a revolutionary. However, Kalyan is more documentarian than a part of any resistance. His talk skated through milestones that have brought food consciousness to where it stands today. Affable...

SEBI-registered research analyst Hemindra Hazari brings a lot of fire power to his talks. The cannons he fired at last Tuesday’s meetings were honest, brutal and showed up the mess India’s finance companies have woven around themselves. And all this is despite various levels of monitoring by government and independent agencies. Therefore, Hemindra examined the...

Good governance, the lack of it, its necessary application specifically and urgently to the Indian economy was the subject of the conversation at last Tuesday’s meeting with guest speaker Adil Zainulbhai. After receiving the Rotary Club of Bombay’s Ramkrishna Bajaj Good Governance Award for 2018-19, Adil self-deprecatingly joked that one had to be in good...

Eminent jurist, Retd. Supreme Court Judge Justice B. N. Srikrishna talks about defusing divisive situations Scholar, jurist, administrator, Justice B. N. Srikrishna is a man of many worlds. Whether in a boardroom or engaged with the government, Justice Srikrishna speaks many languages fluently. Known for his fair assessment of tricky situations, his contribution in assessing the...

Consistent growth, profitable growth, competitive growth and responsible growth: Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman and MD of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. believes profit and sustainability go together Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman and MD of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. outlined his 4G formula of putting corporate governance through an intensive cleaning cycle in his talk to the Rotary Club of Bombay last...

Rotary Peace Scholar Retd. Justice Roshan Dalvi threw light on the nature of peace and its importance in society There is a need to look for peace, not only between countries but also between families, societies and relations, says Retd. Justice Roshan Dalvi. “Peace is not just absence of war, but presence of something very material...

Raveena Tandon makes an appeal: Save Mumbai’s green lungs, SGNP and Aarey Milk Colony Raveena Tandon, brand ambassador of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP), addressed the Rotary Club of Bombay on ‘Taking Mumbai to a Greener Future’ last Tuesday. Taking a blunt approach, Raveena made it clear that she was there not as an actress but...

Find your purpose, revisit your goals, exhorted Hon. Rtn. Anand Mahindra in his speech last Tuesday Businessman and humanitarian extraordinaire, Anand Mahindra, Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Bombay, revived the art of shaking things up in his talk to fellow Rotarians last Tuesday. His talk, on The Power of Purpose, could not have been...